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News Center Location: News Center >Use of petroleum resins

Use of petroleum resins

Author: admin Time: 2016/9/21 17:48:41

Petroleum resins are widely used, and the natural rubber has good mutual solubility, can rise to the role of viscosity, softening and so on. Usually used with other resins, and it can also be used as modifier, petroleum resin is a thermoplastic, high aromatic hydrocarbon, non reactive hydrocarbon resin. It is miscible, low acidity characteristics, water resistance, ethanol and chemical resistance, chemical stability of acid, and adjust the characteristics of viscosity and good thermal stability. In this paper, an example of the use of petroleum resin classification.

Petroleum resin application:

Paint: petroleum resin used to make all kinds of paint and road marking paint. It can be mixed with drying oil varnish manufacturing. The varnish can improve the alkali resistance and impact resistance. For use in the production of primer, temperature resistance and water resistance can be improved. Do intermediate paint not only save 10% vegetable oil, but also can improve the gloss, water resistance and acid alkali.

Rubber: petroleum resin as a rubber additive, can replace the traditional ancient Malone resin, can increase the viscosity, improve mixing, extrusion performance. The softening point of petroleum resin can be used as a rubber plasticizer, which can be used to increase the height of the softening point. Light colored petroleum resin is suitable for color rubber, and dark resin is suitable for black rubber.

Ink: petroleum resin is suitable for manufacturing various transmission offset printing ink and ordinary ink, as coupling agent, and can replace calcium based rosin, can not only improve the brightness, ink drying rate and printing quality, but also can reduce the cost.

Binder: petroleum resin as a mixture with natural rubber in the solvent mixture to create pressure sensitive adhesive, in the heating conditions, with low reactivity, and can maintain the viscosity. Ink with petroleum resin, mainly high softening point C9 petroleum resin, DCPD resin. The ink adding petroleum resin can play the effect of color development, quick drying, brightening, improve the printing performance.

Other uses of petroleum resin: petroleum resin is mainly used in paint industry, such as petroleum resin emulsion used for enhancing synthesis mainly used in paint industry, such as petroleum resin emulsion used as reinforced synthetic latex paint, light petroleum resin used in the manufacture of oil varnish, to improve gloss and adhesion; for rubber plasticizer low softening point resin with high softening point in order to improve the hardness of synthetic rubber; also used in the manufacture of corrugated water etc.. The chlorinated paraffin surfactant composition of architectural coatings; also widely used in printing ink, paint and adhesive for oil additives and other raw materials.

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